
Thursday, 31 October 2013

GBBO - The Final Bake

It's over! I can't believe the Great British Bake Off is really finished for another year. I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with my Tuesday evenings. Thank god for the masterclasses!
I'm happy that Francis won though, she was so creative throughout the whole competition that she put the other bakers to shame. Her final showstopper 'Midsummer Night's Dream' cake was just beautiful.

Now, after 10 weeks of bakes I'm in serious need of a GBBO detox. With that in mind I didn't want a large showstopper cake lying around, the pasty basket pie looked all sorts of weird and I seriously don't like pretzels. I had reached somewhat of a dead end to my bake along.

So, with a nod to the last series of GBBO I got 'Brilliant Bread' by James Morton, aka the amazing jumpered baking beauty, off my recipe book shelf and decided to make something new.

Now, I know bagels and pretzels are similar, but I'm strange and despite hating pretzels, love bagels! These are poppyseed and Marmite flavor and I cannot say enough about them. AMAZING! I thoroughly recommend giving Baking James' recipe a go. (It's also easy enough for a yeast-a-phobe like me to easily follow).

Now that GBBO is over.......what next??



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